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Frequently Asked Questions

You may have some questions before contacting us.  Feel free to read some of our frequently asked questions.


Who is social learning therapy designed for?


Our program is for bright kids, teens and young adults with good language skills. Many of our clients have a diagnosis of High Functioning Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Social Communication Disorder, ADHD or anxiety while others have no formal diagnosis (our "quirky" kids). Our clients are intelligent, creative and want to have friends but often struggle with social interactions.


What makes us different from other places?


There are many places that teach social skills to kids. At The Communication Clubhouse we believe in a deeper approach that teaches social thinking and the social skill. By doing this, kids can consider the perspective of others and eventually start figuring out on their own what is required at school, recess, home, and the community to have successful social interactions.


What skills are emphasized?


Concepts and vocabulary are geared toward the student’s level of social mind and differ per group.  In the elementary years, concepts taught usually include:  using our eyes to learn about others and gather information about what is happening around us; using our bodies and words to communicate with others; perspective taking in conversations and play; impulse control and emotional regulation, and engaging in cooperative interactions with others.  In addition, students are taught to advocate for themselves, ask for help, join a group, figure out a group plan, problem solve, and deal with frustrations while reducing rigidity and expanding social language skills and flexible thinking.


Once students enter the teen years, therapy often focuses on the developing and maintaining friendships, problem solving in a more complex "gray" social world, emotional regulation, considering the perspectives of others, and many more nuances of social interactions.


How do groups work?


Groups are created and scheduled around the students instead of fitting students into predetermined time-slotted groups. Because of this personalized approach, there may be a waiting list until a good group placement can be established.  We put a lot of thought into group placement because we know one size does not fit all!


Groups meet once per week with the last 10 minutes for parent wrap-up.    Social learning groups run through the academic calendar year, from September through May, with additional mini-sessions offered in the summer.  We do add new students throughout the year.


How are parents part of learning?


Parent involvement is greatly encouraged and is necessary to help in generalization of skills to the home and school.   The last 5-10 minutes of each session are reserved for “Parent Talk Time.”  Therapist will recap the concepts learned and activities done throughout the session.  Therapist will work with parent to develop strategies to encourage further social development in their child.  Parents are given follow-up activities to continue specific learning at home.  Parent education is a vital component to the program.  


What is the attendance policy?


Regular weekly attendance is crucial as lessons and concepts taught often build upon each other. Frequently opportunities are provided for students to practice these concepts with the group dynamic. We also know that life happens! Because of this, The Communication Clubhouse allows four absences per school year. Any absences over the four allowed will be billed at the regular group rate. Excessive absences or payments more than 90 days overdue will result in a student losing their group placement. This policy is in place to encourage continued participation and because we have a waiting list of families seeking social thinking groups.


Parents may discontinue services at any time but we ask for the courtesy of two weeks notice in order to fill the vacant spot.


Do you accept insurance?


The Communication Clubhouse is a private pay private practice and we do not bill insurance directly.  If you would like a monthly coded bill for insurance purposes, please let us know at the time of services. It should be noted that insurance coverage varies widely from provider to provider so it is advised that you check with your insurer to determine what services are covered.  We accept cash, check, HSA cards and credit cards.


How do I enroll in therapy?

Please contact Nicole G. DeVoss at or 214.952.2684 for a free initial consult.

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